Month: March 2021

Order of the Wyrmwood

First of the orders founded by the temple of Dhom, the Order of the Wyrmwood has always been a powerful force for good on the northern continent. Many zealous followers with a capacity for battle consider being inducted in the order as the highest of honors. The Order of Wyrmwood consists mostly of Paladins and

Hand of Amas

Few know of the Hand of Amas, and fewer still know about how they operate and their broader objectives. While they are a Faction within the temple of Amas, they serve as an intelligence gathering arm, watching for foreign and domestic enemies of the Lysantho empire. They maintain a large network of spies even far

Geographic Society

The geographic society is based out of the University of Santarem, with a presence in the other five city-states and the larger towns of the peninsula. 
 The primary goals of the Geographic Society are exploration and education. They use knowledge to illuminate and protect the wonders of Aer’ath. The Geographic Society began as a
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